The Marsden March is a 14 mile sponsored walk between The Royal Marsden’s hospitals in Chelsea and Sutton. Over the last three years the event has raised £3.25 million to support the hospital’s work on cancer diagnosis, treatment, research and care. Apart from the walk itself, the day included other activities and the Vitual1 volunteers provided a range of support, including helping in the catering tent, face painting, as well as welcoming and directing teams.
James Hickman, Virtual1’s Chief Technical Director, headed up the Virtual1 team, which also included Michelle Hitchins, John Walters, Michelle Connors and Chi Hoang. James’s Summary of the day was as follows: - “Hot! My knees were aching. John was awesome in the catering tent. That man can cook burgers like nobody I've ever seen. I cycled the route then had to double-back twice so I covered around 25 miles on the 14-mile course. I'll happily do it again next year! The two ‘chelles were models for the face-painting, each had a butterfly wing on their faces, so you had to catch them together to see the whole butterfly. They were also in the welcoming team along with Chi and then in the Directional team, putting medals around necks and steering tired walkers towards the refreshments.”
Tom O’Hagan, Managing Director, said: “I’m very proud of our team of volunteers. It’s always good to get involved in charitable events and The Marsden holds a special place in many people’s hearts. They do fantastic work for cancer sufferers and it’s comforting to know that such an amazing hospital is.”
The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity, Virtual1’s nominated charity, raises money to help the Royal Marsden provide world-class diagnosis, treatment and care for cancer patients, and support the hospitals pioneering work in cancer research. For more information on this worthy charity please visit http://www.royalmarsden.org/