The webinar will share experience and recommend approaches to preparing for disruption during the Games. Topics include identifying risks, writing an annex to your business continuity plan, preparing a communication strategy and exercising business continuity plans prior to the Games.
As Vocal’s national accounts manager, webinar host John Duffy has a deep understanding of the issues facing businesses. “Vocal is running a comprehensive London 2012 Preparedness campaign to help all our clients gear up for the event, minimising the impact on their staff, customers, operations and revenues. At the webinar I’ll be sharing some of the best practice we’ve identified for assessing and mitigating the risks proactively. It will be 45 minutes well spent both for businesses who may be unsure how they will be affected as well as those who already know they will be and want to be sure that they are implementing effective measures.”
The webinar is part of Business Continuity Awareness Week, a global educational event run by the Business Continuity Institute (BCI). The aim is to increase understanding of Business Continuity Management and demonstrate how businesses will benefit from applying it. “We are delighted that Vocal are supporting this year’s Business Continuity Awareness Week with this timely and highly informative webinar. We know that many businesses in the UK are still looking for help on their business continuity planning around the London 2012 Olympics and this year’s BCAW is - in practical terms - the last opportunity to take a considered approach to ensuring that you remain open for business during the greatest show on earth!” Stated Lorraine Darke, Executive Director & Board Member, The BCI.
Vocal’s London 2012 Preparedness campaign will run from March to October 2012. This webinar is one event in the programme, along with additional webinars which will focus on the various components of how to prepare, a paper summarising the issues and offering practical techniques and a live exercise scheduled to take place in April.