
Vodafone UK opens dedicated store for small business customers

Networks & Network Services
Vodafone UK has become the first mobile operator to open a retail store dedicated to small business customers.

The Cheapside store is the result of local small businesses sharing what they want from their mobile operator, and builds on the network of dedicated business advisers Vodafone UK has in its customer call centres, 150 of its 400 retail stores nationwide and its online store.

Vodafone UK's Cheapside business store offers: Support workshops and seminars to help small businesses manage their fixed and mobile communications needs; In-store technical support, from setting up email to solving software problems; Expert advisers dedicated to small businesses; An extensive range of business devices; Live device demos with step by step guidance from a dedicated expert; Appointment service available to suit business schedules.

“Small businesses are always looking for an edge and always looking to get that little bit more value money,” said Lord Digby Jones, the former CBI chief and business guru whi hosted the store’s launch event earlier this week. “Vodafone's move to offer a dedicated service to the local business community will help to ensure that businesses get the most out of their communications needs for the best possible value on the UK's best network.”