
Voxalis Upgrades through SmartRecord IP

CTI Group, the provider of ebilling and bill analysis, VoIP and call management applications, has today announced that Voxalis has signed an agreement to implement and utilise its ‘SmartRecord IP’ solution. This upgrades the provider’s existing suite of CTI Group’s solutions already being used and allows the company to offer its SME customers an FSA compliant call recording service.

Already a user of CTI Group's integrated package of IP Call Management software, ‘Empulse’, Voxalis required a more comprehensive solution to supply its customers with call recording and monitoring options on its IP networks inline with FSA regulation. With the onset of regulation next year this capability has become a growing necessity for a wide range of businesses. Voxalis approached CTI for an extension to provide to its solution and by enabling the SmartRecord IP element to its existing platform, upgraded the product suite to support this additional functionality.

Robert Walton, Director at Voxalis comments: “Companies from all sectors are now seeing the need to record calls whether that be for best practice purposes; to ensure staff are conducting themselves correctly over the telephone, or in many cases to act as a safety net to detect and prevent fraudulent activity. We approached CTI Group to see whether it could provide a reliable IP call recording solution.”

CTI Group saw that its SmartRecord IP solution fit Voxalis’ needs. Coming in a white-label fashion, the carrier grade call recording platform which uses unique patented technology, tightly integrates into Voxalis’ network. The SmartRecord IP software is installed remotely and sits on the Service Provider’s hardware.

In real terms unlike similar “packet-sniffing” devices, SmartRecord IP offers three main benefits to the customer: Firstly, SmartRecord IP only records the calls that are required, for example customer service desks, dealing desks handsets etc. Calls are recorded in real-time allowing supervisors to listen in, whisper to their agent, or interrupt so as to talk to both parties This differs to competitor solutions where calls are recorded and then the administrator must isolate any recording they wish to listen to after the event. Secondly, in the unlikely event of the hardware or software failing, it will not effect or disrupt the call in progress. Thirdly, there are no upfront costs to end users because of its installation point and requires no network re-configuration.

By adding the call recording platform Voxalis can now complete its set of sophisticated and reliable services to its SME customers requiring high quality IP telephony and in doing so reap the benefits of a new revenue stream.

Walton adds: “The solution will not only allow us to complete our set of hosted IP telephony services by promising accountability in adding call recording to the service we provide, but also it generates the chance for us, the channel and end users to make substantial margins.”

Andy Wilson, CTI Group’s VP Sales and Marketing comments; “By upgrading its existing Empulse suite Voxalis’ can offer its end users a fully integrated call solution and following our tailoring of the model, allows the company to go to market with a sought after service that has vast commercial appeal. The full implementation of the solution takes only ten days and the very nature of the product means it has interoperability with the softswitch service provider, promising a flawless transition into the Voxalis’ network.”