Wells had earned his reputation whilst at Panasonic and subsequently Aastra Telecom where he launched their Intelligate product. It is not clear at present where Wells is going to surface next but his skills and channel expertise is sure to be sought after.
Wells was responsible for authoring two well regarded publications at Aastra; the Guide to Buying a Phone System and a User Guide to VoIP. Both are still being heavily downloaded from the Aastra web site.
AlwaysON provide VPN based IP telephony and under founder George Zeremba are focused on developing channel sales.
Chairman Jim Reynolds was recently interviewed by Comms Business Magazine where he stated, “The market is now ready for VoIP but we still have a channel legacy of up front payments for tin. That legacy of big capital spend and commissions based upon that spend is a model we have to break if we are to sell services in the hosted market. For the SME the hosted market is an irresistible proposition in that it removes the complexities of management from the customer premises and it removes the lock-in time that a piece of tin delivers. Three years down the road the PBX is old whereas the hosted service is right up to date.”