Current Analysis delivers independent and timely intelligence to help customers understand the market trends and products that affect their businesses. Meant to be used in context with Westcon Group's other tools such as SalesVision, LeadVision and MailVision, Current Analysis helps resellers gain a competitive advantage by providing detailed research on the strengths and weaknesses of a given product.
Duncan Potter, vice president of worldwide marketing, Westcon Group, commented: "Our arrangement with Current Analysis is a huge win for resellers participating in our solutions sites, providing them with an unparalleled opportunity to quickly ascertain a competitive context for the products and services they sell. We have made it very simple for them to access compelling data that can provide them with an advantage over their competitors."
"Competitive Analysis from Current Analysis will help Westcon Group's resellers win more business," said Ted Howard-Jones, Business Development Manager for Current Analysis Inc. "Being informed about the strengths and weaknesses of a competing product, keeping up to date with new announcements about products and having the background information about vendors is critical in today's IT environment. Current Analysis is highly respected as an independent source of objective analysis and is pleased to be able to work with Westcon and it's resellers to provide them with the insight they need."
Resellers who register for Current Analysis through the solutions sites will be able to access up-to-date tactical information within network security, enterprise infrastructure and enterprise/SME telephony. Resellers will have access to nine product classes including fixed switching, modular switching, IP access routers, enterprise PBX, SME PBX, enterprise IP voice gateways, ICP-EU, PBX-EU as well as Firewalls and VPNs.
Krystal Triumph, account manager at Atlantic Voice and Data Solutions, a New York City based VAR, commented: "To compete successfully in the convergence and security markets, we absolutely must have a better understanding of technology trends than that of our competitors. Through Westcon Group's program sites and Current Analysis, we can ensure that our sales reps are armed with the most competitive product information available - having this kind of information at our fingertips directly increases our ability to succeed."