Altogether, 28 per cent of smartphone users own an Android phone versus 26 per cent using an iPhone and 14 per cent using a BlackBerry. The research, conducted online, paints a picture of Britons’ smartphone habits and exposes what your smartphone says about you.
Heaviest smartphone users: 18 per cent spend more than four hours on their phone each day, compared to just 4 per cent of Android and 4 per cent of BlackBerry users; 63 per cent rank social networking and 48 per cent rank games in the top three iPhone apps they spend the most time using; Debt-laden: 18 per cent admit that their main bank account is always overdrawn, compared to an average 12 per cent of all Britons.
Only 4 per cent of iPhone users rank financial management apps in the top three apps they spend the most time using, compared to 10 per cent of BlackBerry users, and 42 per cent of smartphone owners in London have an iPhone, compared to 15% Android and 11% BlackBerry.
The casual smartphone user: One in 10 (10%) use their BlackBerry for more than 3 hours per day, compared with one in four (25%) iPhone users; 23 per cent don’t use apps at all. least likely to be always overdrawn - only 13 per cent of BlackBerry users are always overdrawn, compared with Android (14%) and Apple (18%), and almost half of BlackBerry users (49%) never go into the red; Most likely to be high earners: one in 10 (10%) earn £50,000 or more per year, compared to one in 15 (7%) iPhone users and one in 20 (5%) Android users.
Most popular smartphone is Android, with more than 4 million Brits over 18 years old owning one; Young professionals and silver smartphone users - 36 per cent of 25-34 year old smartphone owners use an Android phone, whereas one quarter (25%) of retired people who own a smartphone use an Android phone; You know where you are with an Android user - most likely to spend time mapping and planning travel – 34 per cent rate this in the top three apps they spend the most time using, compared to BlackBerry (28%) and Apple (28%).
James Richards, Director of Mobile at Intelligent Environments, said: “The top three mobile platforms in the UK certainly seem to attract different personalities. It’s fair to say that iPhone and BlackBerry have strong identities but given that Android is on a number of handsets, we are clearly seeing more of a mixed user base. Perhaps we will see the telecoms industry of the future tailoring their apps and services further to suit the variety of demands being placed on the mobile.”