While Head of Marketing, Darren Farnden, points out that, at this stage it’s all just speculation, since very little detail about the potential plans have been published, in the company’s latest blog post he asks whether a more committed stance from a new Scottish administration might force the hand of Westminster to make more ambitious promises of its own.
A USO (Universal Service Obligation) has been promised by the Scottish government, albeit with a lack of detail as to minimum speeds and target deadlines, and Farnden speculates about the effect this might have on the UK’s current USC (Universal Service Commitment). “We wonder if a USO north of the border would encourage – or maybe even force – the UK’s existing commitment to be upgraded to an obligation covering potentially faster speeds?”
Farnden also discusses the potential impact on UK-based providers and a prospective increase in costs for Scottish customers. “The list of possible problems and hassles [for providers] is extensive and could mean that, in the long term, it becomes too problematic for smaller UK based ISPs to provide connectivity services to Scotland. It may also mean increased costs for Scottish residents.”