At a prestigious awards ceremony held during the annual EMEA Alliance Summit in Monte Carlo, the winners of the five awards were named as: Driving Innovation in the Public Sector, Astute Mobile Data Solutions for its scalable mobile data access solution that provides NDUC (Northern Doctors Urgent Care) doctors with real time access to patient information through their BlackBerry smartphones; Transforming Business Performance, Intuition Publishing for the Go Learn mobile solution that provides training and development tools directly to employees’ BlackBerry smartphones; Accelerating Innovation for Entrepreneurs, TrackTech for eMerit, which provides secure credit card processing from any location using a BlackBerry smartphone; Life on BlackBerry Award, Telmap for the Telmap Navigator that provides clear, accurate and informed routing navigation to BlackBerry smartphone users throughout the world; Delivering Service Excellence, Offshore Tech for the implementation and smooth running of a highly scalable banking application for BlackBerry smartphone users in Spain.
Jeff McDowell, vice president of Global Alliances at RIM, said: “There are currently over 1,000 independent software vendors (ISVs) signed up to the BlackBerry Alliance Program, who are focused on developing innovative applications for the BlackBerry platform. The winners of the first BlackBerry EMEA Innovation Awards all clearly demonstrate how mobile applications can benefit large and small organisations, both in the public and private sectors, as well as consumers. They are not only transforming the mobile applications market but are truly making a difference to our business and consumer customers by enhancing their lives on BlackBerry smartphones.”