Speaking at the launch of Work Wise Week, the start of a major three-year initiative which aims to encourage smarter working practices across the UK, Sir Christopher, said: “As a nation we need to compete with the best in the world.
“China and India are already major players on the world scene and this region alone is investing so heavily in technology and education that it will outstrip anything we have seen to date both in terms of reduced costs and product differentiation. We will be left standing if we don’t change some of our cost structures.”
In order to compete in an increasingly competitive digital networked economy, BT is transforming the way it operates, communicates and works together, eradicating as much bureaucracy and unnecessary control as possible.
“We already have more than 11,500 home based workers, tens of thousands of nomadic workers and millions of customers who either already do, or soon will, work in this way,” Bland, explained.
As well as enabling its own workforce to work more flexibly, BT has a dedicated team called BT Work Style to help its customers manage both the cultural and technical issues associated with smarter working practices.