Over the past 18 months, Yes Telecom say they have witnessed an increase in demand for non voice products and services such as BlackBerry, 3G data cards and text message solutions and in order to maintain the unrivalled level of one to one service it offers, Yes has appointed two further Advanced Solutions managers to facilitate this demand.
New recruits, Derek Bethall and Robert Manderson join the successful team with Ian Davis led by Matt Sandford and have set themselves high targets from the outset. The Advanced Solutions division has been working with various network operators, manufacturers and content providers to offer a wide range of services, including, location based tracking, remote access cards, convergent messaging, personal assistants and BlackBerry and Derek and Robert cite increasing Business Partner sales of these as their priority.
Sales underpin the main department objective that will be achieved through individual training workshops, guidance and specific advice to help each business partner act upon the increased demand and therefore developing their business accordingly.
Advanced Solutions manager, Ian Davis, has been responsible for the growth of the department and is certain that the double appointment will only serve to enhance the relationship the team already has with the business partners.
Ian said: “Since its conception, the Advanced Solutions department has gone from strength to strength, not just in terms of its product offering but also in terms of its relationship with the 250+ Business Partners Yes has across the UK. They each recognise they need specialist knowledge in order to supply the right product to the right end users and that is where we come in – with the new team we have, we can deliver tailored workshops and solutions on request – a proposition that sets us apart from many of our competitors.
”With the introduction of non voice products to our own Yes Telecom network offering, the demand and indeed necessity for the expertise of the Advanced Solutions team is to become more apparent.”
Derek and Robert both join Yes Telecom from Vodafone and collectively share over 20 years experience in mobile and data sales.