Committed to developing and improving its award winning customer service department, Yes Telecom recently issued two surveys to its Business Partners examining the level of customer service they received.
Although the survey revealed that 64% of BPs ranked Yes Telecom higher than other networks, the business hasn't rested on its laurels and is fully aware that there is still room for improvement. Other results showed that 64% of BPs rated Yes Telecom's customer care as excellent, with 71% of BPs enjoying an excellent response rate.
BPs evidentially value the personal relationships they have with the Yes Telecom customer care staff. However, the company has grown from a base of 30 BPs supported by five customer service executives to an enhanced customer care team providing support for over 250 BPs and, with the company experiencing even more rapid growth, Yes Telecom was determined to restructure its customer care function to ensure it took its level of service to new heights and continue to stand out in the marketplace.
The purpose of CARE is to give each BP a defined personal team to handle all customer care needs. The aim is to ensure that an experienced member of the team, dedicated to the BPs, deals with every problem or enquiry immediately.
In essence, Yes Telecom is going back to the roots of its customer services department when, prior to the company's substantial growth, the team knew all BPs individually and vice versa. CARE therefore, promises to strengthen Yes Telecom's relationships with BPs through offering a personal touch, providing a stronger support network and delivering an outstanding level of service.
Yes Telecom places emphasis on listening to, and two way learning with BPs, and CARE itself was originally a concept presented to Yes Telecom by BP, Dino Maroudias, managing director of Luton based DM Telecom. It highlights Yes Telecom's unique and proactive approach to progressing innovative ideas from those at the sharp end of the industry.
Explaining CARE, Dino comments: "Customer retention is key in this industry yet to achieve this customer service levels must be excellent. CARE is a simple and logical initiative that encourages complete ownership of problems, guaranteeing an accurate and swift response.
"For BPs, like myself, the knowledge that all issues will be dealt with immediately by an experienced team member is invaluable and will no doubt improve retention rates."
After working on the floor with the customer care team, Keith Curran, managing director at Yes Telecom adds: "Consistently delivering exceptional levels of customer service is fundamental to Yes Telecom which is why I went back to the floor to celebrate National Customer Service Week and the lead up to the launch of CARE.
"Only through direct action, such as taking calls and listening to BPs was I able to fully understand individual customer needs and appreciate the commitment of our customer services department in providing outstanding care."
Due to go live in November, there will be five CARE teams in total, each responsible for a number of specific BPs.