The team of 45 employees, including Andrew Saunders, Zen Internet’s Head of Product Management and Marketing ran the 10Km race, which started in the city centre, to raise money for Zen's chosen charity, The Rochdale Children's Moorland Home.
Rochdale Children's Moorland Home can be found in open moorland little more than a mile from Whitworth, Rochdale. Nab Farm was transformed into a holiday home for children in 1921, when it was given to the trustees of the charity. The philosophy of the charity is simple: Provide a healthy environment, good food and a comfortable house and any group of youngsters will enjoy themselves.
The idea prospered and soon groups of children were spending a week or two away from the grime and poverty in the slums of the town at that time. Then, the home provided holidays to about 130 children a year at an estimated cost of 30p each. Today, from April to October, some 350 youngsters enjoy a free week-long break.
This will be the 7th year that Zen employees have taken part in the run to raise money for its chosen charity. All of its runners have committed to raising at least £40 each for the charity.
"This is an important charity event for Zen and we aim to raise more by offering a chance for everyone to get involved, whether they are actually running or simply donating online. We have built up an excellent relationship with Rochdale Children’s Moorland Home through in-house events such as our recent Easter raffle, with all proceeds going to this charity", said Andrew.
The Home’s running costs are met mainly from charitable donations and during term time, school parties, including children with disabilities from the borough's special schools benefit. During the six week summer holiday, children nominated by social services enjoy the home's facilities. The home is run by a very small group of dedicated staff, who work around the clock to look after children from very poor backgrounds and give them the attention that they may not receive at home.
Zen raised over £3,000 for its chosen charity in 2009, The New Children's Hospital Appeal, so are hoping to match or exceed this year's £3,000 Great Manchester Run fundraising target.