With the cost of Ethernet tumbling, demand has gone through the roof. SMEs are keen to get their hands on high-speed symmetrical products with better SLAs and with the pressure to increase recurring revenues, resellers are more than happy to supply. One sticking point is often the high set up costs compared to broadband.

Griffin has come up with an innovative solution and is offering zero connection fees on three year contracts until 30th September 2011.
Lee Broxson, Head of sales commented, “We are an aggregator of Ethernet services and so are able to get the most competitive pricing available. Capital is in short supply and end users and resellers want to invest in their business not in set-up fees. With the support of our suppliers and a strong balance sheet we can help our Partners close Ethernet deals by removing capex as a barrier to closing a deal. I am happy to report that Ethernet sales have doubled since the start of this campaign.”