The PF200 smartphone will have a 4.3 inch QHD capacitive touch screen, with an 8MP camera and 1080p front facing camera for video calling. The handset will work across all the main LTE, UMTS and GSM spectrums, and will come with Bluetooth 2.1, GPS, WiFi, A-GPS, digital living network alliance (DLNA) compatibility, mobile high-definition link (MHL) for connecting to home audio and video devices, and near field communications (NFC) capability.
The N910 handset will work across LTE FDD, CDMA and EVDO spectrums. It has a WVGA (800 x 480) capacitive touch screen, with 5MP autofocus and flash camera with a 1080p front facing camera for video calling. Features will include GPOS, WiFi, Bluetooth and DLNA capability.
“These LTE devices are the fore-runners of a wide range of LTE devices ZTE will bring to the market in the coming months, as more and more LTE networks come on stream,” said Mr. He Shiyou, Executive Vice President and Head of the Terminal Division of ZTE. “They will be feature products – among a very wide range of devices on display at the ZTE stand at Mobile World Congress 2012.”