Dave Reynolds, managing director of Xelion UK, explained that the company’s “policy of continual product development” puts its feature set and functionality under continual review to “ensure it meets the needs of our customers”.
He added, “With the huge increase in home working there is now a particular need for remote collaboration tools and this is reflected in the latest enhancements to our chat facility. We also make a point of listening to our customers and responding positively to their suggestions, so we were pleased to include reporting enhancements in the latest Xelion release."
Wallboard KPI displays can now show the total number of chats (excluding group chats), the number of group chats, the number of unique chat sessions, and the average number of chats within a chat session.
In addition, chat messages can now include thumbnails for images, pdf files and videos. The chat collaboration tool is also now compatible with Xelion apps for Android and iOS devices as well as the Windows based softphone client.
Xelion 7.4 also includes a number of reporting enhancements that were requested by customers. These include reporting by user as well as by phone line. This means that if a user logs onto Xelion from a phone line they do not usually use, their activity is still recorded. In addition, improvements to expedite provisioning have been added including automatic provisioning of Xelion partner Snom's range of handsets.