“The ITU understands the importance of providing consumers and businesses with access to broadband, particularly improving broadband access to unserved and underserved locations,” says Dr Matt Yardley, Partner at Analysys Mason and author of the report.
A total of 13 PPP broadband projects were researched as part of this report, including the Dominican Republic’s Rural Broadband Connectivity Project, Malaysia’s National Broadband Initiative and the Qatar National Broadband Network.
The PPP broadband projects researched for the report were selected to provide insights from projects in both emerging and developed markets across most world regions, and included a wide variety of technologies, investment models and funding sources.
The best practices and key learnings identified in the report are designed to assist managing authorities to plan, implement, monitor and manage successful broadband projects and can be summarised as follows:
conduct a public consultation
consider multiple investment models and funding
be technology-neutral
conduct pilot projects
provide funding in line with milestones and targets
mandate open access and monitor compliance
consider setting up parallel initiatives to stimulate demand.
“The best practices and learnings should be considered in totality; no single recommendation is more important than another and each managing authority should consider how they apply to its own particular PPP broadband project,” says Yardley. “The report also considers how governments can use PPPs to develop attractive broadband applications and services, as a way of stimulating the take-up of broadband access, highlighting the EU’s Future Internet PPP Programme and Malaysia’s MSC Malaysia (formerly Multimedia Super Corridor) as examples of best practice.”