The new structure will be in place 1st December. The key appointments and initiatives announced under the restructure are as follows:
Mark Wheeler is appointed Azlan Cisco Business Unit Director with full responsibility for the Cisco Business as; he was previously Cisco Business Unit Manager.
Kevin Markwick becomes Azlan IBM and Services Business Unit Director and is tasked with building and developing Azlan’s Services Business, whilst maintaining the high levels of achievements and positive results which he has been responsible for driving as Azlan’s Director of IBM we are seeing from our IBM business.
Joel Chimoindes becomes Azlan Solution Evangelist Director with responsibility for creating and developing vendor-agnostic solutions. Initially, he will also take on the post of Competency Centre Manager. Previously, Chimoindes was Unified Communications Director.
Colin McGregor, Director of Azlan UK said: “This new management structure will enable Azlan’s teams to focus more clearly and distinctly on key targets and to drive the business forward in close alignment with our colleagues in Europe, sharing best practice and ensuring that we deliver positive results for our customers, vendor partners and our own business. Azlan has made great strides in recent months and with this highly competent and enthusiastic management team in place, I am confident that we can continue to build on that momentum.”