Established in 1981 the FCS represents businesses delivering products and services to customers by radio, mobile, fixed and IP telephony, providing a voice for the competitive companies that deliver innovation into the UK market. By joining the FCS Channel Telecom recognises the importance of the FCS in protecting the interest of its members with government agencies, regulatory bodies and the major telco network operators.
Channel Telecom will now automatically join its channel partners to the FCS and will meet the cost of each partners’ first year subscription. New channel partners will also be joined to the FCS by Channel Telecom free of charge for the first year and will subsequently benefit from a reduced annual subscription. This will include channel partners that Channel Telecom is now supplying with the Virgin Business Media portfolio of network services.
Channel Telecom will require its channel partners to meet the FCS Code of Conduct standards regarding statements for contractual terms and dispute resolution. The FCS provides customers of Channel Telecom partners with an independent complaints resolution process set against strict customer service guidelines.
Channel Telecom Managing director Clifford Norton stated, “The FCS is the comms industry’s voice in the market, ensuring that our views are heard by the regulatory bodies and in government circles. As a fast expanding provider of wholesale network services to the channel it is only right that Channel Telecom should support the work of the FCS, both by joining ourselves and joining our partners. The FCS provides an ethical framework for best practice in terms of customer relations and we want our channel partners to conform to FCS standards. This provides their customers with an assurance of ethical business standards. We look forward to playing a fully supportive role in the Federation.”