Colt announced the launch of Colt Voice Freedom, offering flexible pricing packages available for businesses making fixed line calls, across Europe. With this announcement, Colt is one of the first providers to offer a modular flat fee pricing structure for fixed line calls across Europe.
Colt Voice Freedom is a new billing option that offers Colt voice customers transparent and flexible pricing around packs of minutes provided at a discounted price, ensuring cost savings over traditional flat fee fixed voice pricing. Colt Voice Freedom is available in a variety of packages that include calls to local and national fixed lines, as well as to mobiles. For international calls, customers can also choose packages that cover a range of destinations in Europe, USA and Canada to ensure the best value-for-money.
By offering customers a comprehensive choice of voice package options, they are able to build a tailored solution that will be much more cost-effective than offers for an ‘unlimited’ number of voice minutes, which may actually result in customers paying more for minutes they do not need. Voice Freedom offers users predictable costs for fixed voice calls, based on existing voice traffic and previous consumption, custom-made to meet their exact needs. As customers’ circumstances change, Voice Freedom allows them to add additional packages of minutes as required, offering further flexibility and scalability. In addition, with no hidden costs or fair usage policy, Colt Voice Freedom offers customers true transparency.
Companies that operate across a number of locations will be able to apply their Voice Freedom packages as a whole across multiple sites. Increased traffic on one site can be balanced by a reduction in voice consumption at other sites resulting in no increase of the total bill. In addition, customers choosing an extended contract duration will benefit from even further reduced costs.
“High-quality voice communications are essential to businesses that value customer service and team collaboration. However, the bill for fixed line calls can escalate quickly, particularly when it comes to calls made to mobile phones and international destinations. By enabling companies to take control and reduce the costs of this essential element of their business, it frees them up to concentrate on their core business,” said Francois Eloy, EVP at Colt. “Voice Freedom has been designed to help our customers reduce their bill for fixed line voice calls, with small packs of minutes per destination, priced at competitive tariffs, offering customers complete freedom to combine any of the packs to meet their current or future needs.”
Colt Voice Freedom can be tailored to meet the needs of companies of all sizes and will be sold through Colt’s agent channel partners. Colt Voice Freedom is available across Europe with all Colt Voice services, including Voice Line, Smart Office and VoIP Access.