Moving towards a virtualised IT infrastructure is helping businesses decrease capital expenditure by reducing the amount of hardware and the cost associated with the upkeep of the equipment. Increasingly, more businesses are becoming aware of the benefits virtualisation can offer, from reduction of cost to its flexibility. As a result, companies are moving to a virtualised service that will grant them a long-term advantage.
Chris Papa, Managing Director of cloud computing and communications company, Qubic said, “We have seen growing demand for virtualisation as it allows businesses to take greater control of their overheads. Businesses that want to grow yet don’t want the costs related to growth can opt for an OPEX service rather than a CAPEX service to save money in the long run. Cost cutting has been the main driving force in the popularity of virtualisation, however it is important to remember that virtualisation actually offers many more benefits.
“In this unpredictable business climate companies also require their hardware to be flexible, giving their IT managers the ability to assign the right resources where they are needed. Businesses are also looking for better sustainability and reliability from their IT services, and a virtualised infrastructure offers all these benefits.”