For a limited time, resellers can offer new and upgrading customers the higher bandwidth dedicated circuit at a significantly reduced cost of around £8,000 per annum. Customers who sign up on three-year contracts will also be offered free connection, subject to a site survey.
This is a significant saving – as the normal entry level price of a 10Mb line is around £12,000 a year with a one-off connection charge of a further £7000. The offer price also includes a free managed router and all the high service level guarantees of that come as part of all BTnet services, including a 100 percent availability target and a zero packet loss target.
This offer is a great opportunity for customers to meet and future-proof their growing bandwidth demands and a great opportunity for resellers to boost their margins and help their customers says DMSL’s BT Technical Sales Specialist, Simon Heath. “This is a real chance to deliver extra value to customers who need high levels of bandwidth and guaranteed availability. BTnet is ideal for any mid- sized or large business that uses the internet for critical applications or is suffering from slow performance. For end user organisations it represents an opportunity to upgrade to a very fast, reliable service – for resellers it’s an opportunity to earn upwards of £1500 per connection.”