Often resellers have been left in the position of piecing together the various components that make up a hosted solution and experienced issues in delivering a reliable service to the customer. For example the IP Telephony service is provided by one supplier and the access from another ISP, leaving resellers with the “ping pong” game of where a fault lies.
Resellers looking to offer a complete end-to-end solution with Service Level Agreement’s (SLA’s) to business customers want a service that comes from one provider where it is guaranteed and issues can be easily resolved.
As one of the leading providers of solutions under the Mitel 3600 Hosting Platform in Europe, Gamma has several thousand users across hundreds of sites around the UK alone and has taken their unrivalled experience to further develop the solution to meet the needs of both the channel partners and end users.
Gamma has combined Communicator with the Mitel-based hosted IP telephony solution, with the recently released Assured IP Services and given channel partners an end-to-end IP service that allows them to sell with complete confidence.
The solution offers a completely “joined up” service, where Gamma takes responsibility from their network right through to the router on the end users’ premises. Gamma supply a choice of Mitel handsets, a Cisco 857 router configured for voice traffic, 24x7 support, 99.95% availability and a guaranteed time to fix as opposed to time to respond.
This offers channel partners three key benefits; a more defined service with Service Level Agreements (SLA’s) which is easier to sell, less complexity and cost in supporting IP services, and improved troubleshooting with guaranteed times to fix.
Enda Kenneally, UK Sales Director at Mitel, comments: “Hosting solutions are such an attractive proposition in the current economic climate and we are confident that Gamma’s offering will be a success in the channel.”
Other recent enhancements around Communicator include support for Mitel’s new 5340 handset, a top of the range handset suitable for hot desking and general office environments. Plus the introduction of an Emergency Override Feature which allows channel partners to offer their customers a Business Continuity solution for inbound calls, in the event that the customer organisation has an emergency.
Group Marketing Director at Gamma, Richard Bligh, said: “As well as ensuring we support the latest handsets from Mitel, we’re continually looking at things that we can do to create new opportunities for our channel partners. With the Assured IP Services option, our partners can now offer small businesses a feature-rich service together with SLA’s that are normally associated with the enterprise space. We are the only player in the market that takes complete ownership of the hosted service from end-to-end, just like you get from traditional telephony services.”