The increase equates to an uplift of around 13% and will be effective for all new orders placed from January 1st 2009.
Managing Director Scott Dobson commented, “I have seen the competition implement similar pricing increases over the last few months so I am sure this is not a surprise to most of you. However, it does impact your business so what can you do to minimise the impact on your own pricing to your clients and partners?"
That would be the good news!
Dobson says that from now until the end of the year, Vcomm will be honouring the 2008 pricing and taking forward orders for January 2009 which will simply need to be called off before the end of the month to enjoy the current 2008 pricing.
To further incentivise the channel Vcomm is offering a Christmas Hamper to every Polycom partner who achieves a target set by their account manager for orders placed (not shipped) before the end of the year.