
Mainline offers April connections bonus to EE accredited dealers

EE distributor Mainline Digital Communications is offering its EE accredited dealers an extra incentive throughout April in its “Put some extra Spring in your sales” promotion.

Dealers have been given a connection target to reach, based on their recent trading history, and will receive a £20 bonus on all new EE business connections, upgrades and data connections made over that target figure. A £10 bonus will be paid on EE SIM-only connections over the same period.

“Interest in 4G continues to grow as EE rolls out its network across the UK’s towns and cities,” says Mainline’s managing director Andrew Boden. “Our role is to ensure that accredited dealers have the knowledge, the training and the resources to make the most of this excellent sales opportunity. The Spring bonus is there to provide additional motivation and to further reward them for their efforts in developing this growing market.”