The Cloud Industry Forum, established in 2009, advocates end user adoption and sets best practice standards for the delivery of cloud services through its Code of Practice. It also publishes regular research on the industry which helps end users find the information they need about cloud services and its accredited providers.
Charles Black, Nasstar’s CEO, said “As a pioneer of cloud computing since 2004, Nasstar has been at the forefront of both technical innovation and setting the highest standards of service. We look forward to taking an active role in the Cloud Industry Forum and sharing our experience and expertise. The cloud can deliver huge benefits to the increasing number of businesses moving their IT from local based computing to online and its important therefore that businesses can have confidence that the industry is setting the right standards and best practices. We are pleased to join the Cloud Industry Forum and endorse the important role it plays in educating users about the benefits of cloud computing and the competence and professionalism of its members."
Andy Burton, Chair of the Cloud Industry Forum and CEO of Fasthosts, commented "Nasstar's market focus on hosted desktop solutions and emphasis on standards, security and best practice makes them a very welcome addition to the CIF membership roster. Our members are collectively responsible for the shape and focus of the CIF Code of Practice and, as such, are instrumental in influencing public awareness and confidence in cloud services and championing best practice across the industry.
"CIF advocates the adoption of cloud services and to that end is committed to address end user concerns head on by improving their accessibility to meaningful and consistent information across Cloud Service Providers to help deliver on three key principles of transparency, capability and accountability. Along with our other members, Nasstar will help to drive the market agenda and improve the range of options by which organisations can choose to deploy and access their IT solutions."