For businesses that are located in the UK but have markets abroad, providing an in-country local geographic number or a toll free number for customers makes it cheaper and easier to call their organisation, as well making a business look local without the costs of opening overseas offices.
Gamma can offer geographic numbers in around 80 countries and have the ability to sell local city phone numbers in 4000 locations worldwide. Toll free numbers are available for over 100 countries, of which the USA is the most popular for businesses.
Karen Jones, Product Marketing Manager at Gamma said, “We’ve created a new international numbers area on the Gamma portal where Gamma partners can order, track and define the termination number of their international numbers for their customers, making it easy to view costs and fulfil orders. Calls to local geo or freephone numbers can be terminated in the UK on a landline or mobile number of choice, including leveraging the features of other Gamma products such as Inbound, Horizon and SIP.”
“Choosing to terminate overseas calls to an Inbound number enables an organisation to still benefit from the rich feature set such as call queuing, recording, IVR and call statistics as well as ensuring business continuity extends to originating calls from other countries when the office in the UK is out of bounds, local access circuits or equipment fail.”
Numbers for popular destinations are kept in stock so that turn-around times can be as little as 24 hours, and in some cases numbers can be ported from overseas carriers.