
New wave at Neowave

Neowave was at Convergence Summit South with a plethora of deals to talk about as part of its move from a GSM gateway oriented business, to an Aastra-focused distributor.

At the show last year, Neowave signed a deal with Astra allowing it to distribute the company’s soft PBX. Since then, Neowave has reengineered its business and in April signed the distribution rights to Aastra’s A400 PBX for up to 600 extensions, for which it is now responsible for around 90% of the accounts, as well as Aatra’s SIP handsets. In August Neowave also took on Aastra’s MX-One SIP-based communications platform.

To provide a complete solution, two weeks ago Neowave signed deals for the distribution of headsets from Sennheiser, plus SIP, BRI and PRI call recording with Liquid Voice, which the company has branded VoiceWave powered by Liquid Voice.

Justin Blaine, managing director at Neowave, commented: “We have become very Aastra-centric. The business has totally changed direction in the last 12 months. We have added five staff in the last four months, enabling us to now offer Aastra technical support and inhouse training for our resellers, plus added account management. We have also opened a small office in Manchester to look after the northern territories.”

Neowave is now hunting for a new channel to sell the Aastra A400 PBX. “Our relationship with Aastra has gone really well,” noted Blaine. “We are now aggressively recruiting resellers for the new PBX. We don’t compete with our channel; we’re here to support our partners. It’s not just about price-based distribution any more, it’s about adding value, so that means real support from us, both pre and post sales and even installation if that’s what they need.”

Blaine added: “We’re a true distributor with true values, a good ethos and good product spin on a whole new portfolio of products.”