Fishwick said, “This is our ninth consecutive year of rising first half EBITDA. We are steaming ahead with our transition to new generation products which now represent over 16% (£3m+ sales pa) of our revenues. We have seen key wins with our cloud-based products. Monarch Airlines and Cosmos Holidays have adopted our cloud-based contact centre technology and Rexel’s use of cloud-based telephony for up to 400 sites is one of the largest VoIP contracts placed in the UK to date.
We now have 10 highly skilled people working on new product areas and have opened the National VoIP Demonstration Centre in Tunbridge Wells with the help of BT Wholesale. We are now working to develop the most integrated VoIP billing system in the UK.
We used to be referred to as the company who borrowed a lot of money, I now call us the company that paid £6m back in about 3 years. Our debt is now reduced to the point where it is no longer an issue and to demonstrate our confidence we will commence paying dividends to shareholders.”