Congratulations to the NEC’s Magnificent 7 team for completing the 3 peaks challenge in 23 hours, 50 minutes leaving just 10 nerve-racking minutes to spare to complete the challenge in 24 hours. Finishing in 13th place out of 45 teams the boys really lived up to their magnificent name.
Stewart Hayles, Magnificent 7 Team Leader said, “A big thank you to all those companies, individuals and numerous NEC Resellers who were able to spare funding to sponsor the Magnificent 7 team, in the current climate we are especially grateful.”
The challenge was not without its obstacles, with some of the team taking a wrong turn on Ben Nevis, queuing traffic due to the Olympic torch relay and various trips and slips along the way. Nothing deterred the team however and Scafell and Snowdon were conquered with some shared bag carrying duties and a sprinting finish.
The team raised a total of £5,948 for Action Medical Research and Rainbows charity.