SIPlink’s new international numbers creates an ideal solution for UK-based businesses who regularly receive calls from customers, colleagues or suppliers from overseas. It means that these callers do not have to pay for an International call when they contact you. Instead, you are charged a low per-minute cost for the inbound call.
The new international numbers are available in two options; as toll-free, where the caller pays nothing, or geographic, where the caller pays the cost of a local or national call.
Calls to these new international numbers are delivered from the country of origin to Node4 via the PSTN, rather than the Internet which preserves voice quality. Node4 then present the call to you via SIPlink.
Other features and benefits of Node4’s SIPlink solution include free geographic and non-geographic numbers and an external divert service which allows users to temporarily receive all inbound calls on a different UK geographic or mobile number rather than via SIPlink in the event of power failure, loss of connectivity or problems with the telephone system.