Under the future contract, the joint venture will deliver a range of services across Openreach’s five regions: London and Home Counties, the South East, Midlands, Wales and West, the North, and Scotland.
Services will include complex support and network installation services, asset management and maintenance, together with other associated works.
The contract is expected to be agreed and signed within the next two months, during which time certain transition arrangements will be put in place.
Mark Plato, chief executive of telent, said: “Signing this letter of intent cements a long standing and positive relationship with Openreach, and underlines telent’s reputation for high quality, reliable service. We have been responsible for installation and maintenance services for three of its previous 12 regions for a number of years now. With Carillion’s extensive support services expertise, I am confident that we can effectively and seamlessly transition to a national contract that will support Openreach in upgrading the UK’s access network, while unlocking greater efficiencies across its business.”
John Coomber, director of Pension Corporation, telent’s owner, and chairman of the board at telent, added: “Signing a letter of intent for this major and innovative contract is excellent news for telent and confirms its standing as a first-class service business, with UK wide reach. We are fully supportive of telent’s strategy for growth, not only in telecoms, but across all its business sectors and closely adjacent markets.”