RelayStation is also urging political parties to use its voice and text messaging broadcast services for polling purposes, replacing the high cost of pollsters knocking on voters doors or bothering them as they exit the supermarket during election periods to establish voting trends.
As a result, the voice and text broadcaster is today sending Briitish MPs an Eblast offering them a free trial of its voice broadcasting technology with an action call allowing them to compare results with snail mail communications. The company believes they will experience a sixfold increase in response rates.
RelayStation has long been helping political parties to better engage with their publics using voice and text messaging and as a faster, less intrusive and less-costly method of polling.
One example is the experience of the Green Party of Canada. Executive director, Jim Campbell, commented: "We live in a mobile world and the Green Party firmly believes that traditional methods of polling have had their day. RelayStation's voice broadcasting service is a compelling solution to help us establish voter intentions in the simplest, shortest and most effective way."
All that MP's offices need do to use RelayStation's broadcasting services is to open an account with the company, credit it, record a message from their MP on an MP3 or dial into the company's voice recording service, copy the landline or mobile telephone numbers of opt-in constituents or voters from a database to a spreadsheet, and send both to RelayStation with instructions when to broadcast.
In the event that an MP's office does not have opt-in data for voice broadcasting, RelayStation has several tools that will enable them to automatically collect and collate it.