Samsung Electronics has announced the launch of the Samsung Omnia 7. The smartphone will be the first device to launch from Samsung with Windows Mobile 7.
The Samsung Omnia 7 features a four inch Super Amoled touchscreen, 1GHz application processor, a five megapixel camera with HD recording, all packed into a slimline design with metallic finish.
The device offers an entertainment experience directly onto the mobile with a range of Microsoft services as Xbox LIVE gaming and Zune for music and video. The Samsung Omnia 7 will be available in the UK during the final quarter of 2010.
“The Samsung OMNIA 7 is our first Windows Phone 7 device and we anticipate consumers will be drawn to its fantastic entertainment experience. The device demonstrates our commitment to offering consumers a choice of platforms that fit their lifestyles,” said Simon Stanford, managing director, mobile, Samsung UK and Ireland. “We are proud to partner with Microsoft for what represents a significant milestone and a great addition to our smartphone portfolio” he said.