Steve Harrington, Channel Manager from tIPicall, says, “SIP is expanding rapidly, at tIPicall, we use the analogy of ISDN when demystifying SIP – one connection and multiple lines – as it is practical to explain and an easy concept to convey.
We always enquire, how many concurrent calls a client requires as that’s how many SIP lines we’ll order. We charge per concurrent call and we name each one a ‘trunk’ – it really is that simple!
We carefully assess the individual requirements of each client, establishing what will be their best connection method, and how many concurrent calls they need and we then supply you with a system that works!”
Harrington goes onto say, “At tIPicall we recommend the separation of voice and data, especially if using DSL. Our experience indicates that data will always interfere with voice, no matter how good the connection. (If the client has a large MPLS, QOS-enabled, voice-prioritised circuit, then combination of data and voice is possible – we strive to keep it simple and cost effective too.)”
SIP however is often miss sold as a technology which is all about savings, tIPicall believe that actually functionality and control benefits outweigh the cost saving element.
tIPicall research shows there are already plenty of systems on the market ready to use SIP trunks, however, we never assume your current provider will support their operation. There may be a template available for setting up trunks with your system or alternatively, a test trunk can be established to determine likelihood of compatibility. From time to time minor tweaks to the configuration might be required to proceed with SIP trunks on an existing system. It doesn’t have to be officially approved; if it works, then it guarantees operational versatility and great efficiency savings.
tIPcall go onto state that by 2013 the industry will see a significant continued expansion in the use of SIP trunks and by 2016 it is estimated that 40% of all lines will be SIP, with the technology evolving to become the industry norm. ISDN is slowly being superseded, and I am pleased to say that SIP is definitely here to stay.