1CONNECT provides ICT resellers with the ability to upscale their offering with an entire portfolio of cloud-based telephony and connectivity solutions that offer the reseller up to 100% of the contract term profit upfront.
The hosted voice solution from 1CONNECT brings together services from UK telecoms providers Inclarity, Broadsoft and Talk Talk Business who support the solution with their individual expertise of carrier grade cloud-based telephony and connectivity supplied over ADSL2+ to 1Gb Ethernet leased lines.
With channel analysts predicting that within the next 24 months more UK businesses will be opting for cloud-based telephony services over more traditional telephony, there’s never been a better time for resellers to add this service to their portfolio and gain from a unique profit model. For end-users to have the extended capabilities of cloud-based telephony combined with a choice of bundled call packages or a pay-as-you-use subscription model is making these services one of the most sought-after segments of the communications market.
ICT resellers who look to include 1CONNECT hosted telephony into their portfolio can expect full support from Square 1 Products along the whole sales cycle; from unlimited access to in-house 1CONNECT telephony specialists assisting with service introductions to after-care from 24/7 UK-based customer support centres. With billing included, the solution has been packaged for an off-the-shelf sale.
Lee Wilson, Commercial Director comments “To launch a cloud-based communications offering at a time when the hosted telephony market already has some excellent products will only be of benefit to the ICT reseller community. It means every new supplier to the market needs to ensure their offering is of the highest quality and we’ve certainly achieved this working with Inclarity, Talk Talk and the Cisco owned Broadsoft platform. Additionally resellers want to see something unique to benefit them and at 1CONNECT we’ve done that to. We offer every reseller the opportunity to receive up to 100% of the contract profit upfront without the need for them to invest in a complex billing platform or incur any long term risk with licence liabilities.
By offering this simplified solution we hope to attract traditional hardware resellers who have been looking to adopt cloud services but have struggled to implement monthly billing or accept lifecycle risk.”