targeted and equipped to meet the high bandwidth, high availability requirements of the UK’s fastest
growing and most demanding businesses.
This network investment will see SSE Telecoms expand the reach of its UK fibre network to more than 13,700km, with 234 PoPs cost effectively serving some 200,000 metropolitan business district postcodes with direct fibre service. The network provider already hosts critical systems and delivers highly available city-to-city connectivity to customers with no margin for error or downtime, including Thomson Reuters, E.ON and Janet – a Government funded organisation providing services to research and education centres in the UK. With this latest expansion, existing customers, together with hundreds of other large enterprises from across the UK, can have more convenient and cost effective access to SSE Telecoms’ high specification Carrier Ethernet and Optical networking connectivity services.
“As a company with a pedigree of engineering excellence, we take great pride in our reputation as a trusted and specialised provider of high availability, ultra high performance networking services,” said Chris Jagusz, managing director of SSE Telecoms. “Project Edge signals our ongoing dedication to making a significant investment in our network in order to ensure that we continue to deliver first-class services to our new and existing business customers nationwide.”
Jagusz continued: “By significantly extending our geographical coverage into the UK’s most vibrant business hubs, and by delivering innovative services at cost-effective prices, this development will enable us to service a greater number of enterprises that have zero tolerance to risk or service outages. With more to come from Project Edge, including a focus on inter data centre connectivity, we are fully committed to ensuring the integrity of the services we offer and in continuing to inspire confidence in organisations that rely on our high bandwidth, high availability connectivity.”