This offer, unmatched in the channel, is also supported by the extra incentive of free tablet devices with purchases of ten displays from the distributor.
Resellers that buy any of the qualifying combination of products between now and the end of the year can not only extend their payment terms but can also claim the free slate devices. Maverick is giving away 16GB versions of the Apple iPad2 with any mix of ten Philips 42 – 47-inch, five 55-inch or three 65-inch LFDs – the latter earning a WiFi version of the tablet.
A Sony Tablet S comes with any mix of ten Sony 40 – 55-inch LFDs, or five 52 – 65-inch screens. Finally, resellers that purchase any combination of ten 40 – 46-inc Samsung displays will received a Samsung Galaxy Note and the same offer is available for purchases of five 55-inch, three 65-inch or any 70-inch or 82-inch Samsung LFD.
It is not necessary to purchase all qualifying products on a single purchase order so resellers only need to purchase enough of the displays between now and the end of the year to claim their free tablet. There is no limit to the number of tablets any reseller can claim.
Simon Fagan, Director of Maverick UK and Ireland, stated: “We are always looking for ways in which we can support our channel and additional credit on these products follows from the success of our summer credit promotion on Promethean and projector products. We know that cash flow can make or break companies right now so we want to support our customers in winning business.”