"The UK's teens are extremely tech savvy so it is no surprise that smartphone use in this age group is above and beyond the US market. As well as teaching their parents about the latest features and apps, teens are also masters at getting something for nothing. For example the explosion of the free BBM service in this group. Undoubtedly some will frame these findings in a context of fear – How can we ensure their safety? How do we ensure parental control? In reality, full parental control is a myth and arguably an infringement on our teens social freedoms. The real issue is around education.
Mobile devices are indeed open to very serious threats. Whether criminally motivated malware or inappropriate user behaviour these devices can be open doors to danger. What really matters is ensuring teens feel empowered to embrace technology whilst also being aware of the myriad of threats out there. Whether making sure their device is up to date with simple virus protection, or having digital etiquette woven into the schooling curriculum teens need to learn now how to manage device use. Ironically, they will no doubt be the ones guiding their parents through this continuing technological revolution. Before they surpass us however, parents, teachers and leaders alike need to acknowledge the new world we live in and start talking about what this means for the next generation."