Armed with a host of key products, such as the new Univerge SV8100 from NEC and enhanced ‘soft’ platform from Swyx, Nimans says dealers can continue to flourish despite the harsher operating conditions. Rather then being filled with dread and despair, Nimans’ Systems Sales Director, Phil Adams is excited by the potential that the next 12 months offers, both for the company and its customers.
He confirmed: “Although there is widespread fear of a corporate downturn the telecoms arena is ideally placed to weather the storm clouds. From our perspective we have seen substantial growth in the systems side of our business in 2008.
“Obviously there are very genuine concerns about the state of the economy and businesses do have to be careful with their finances but that’s where technology can help with their practices and processes to improve efficiency and performance.
“It’s when things are tight that the focus increases and every single application we have within our systems can positively impact on the bottom line of any company. I am not saying that one suit fits all. Resellers have got to look at those sectors of the market where telephony is absolutely critical to the profitable operation of that business, where it is the key component and where it could not run without it. Focus on these areas and they will find lots of opportunities because no sensible business person will not be interested in increasing their bottom line, particularly in these prudent times.
“If resellers are just looking for easy pickings and someone who will replace their phone system just because they fancy a new one, those days are long gone. There has to be a good business reason with a dam good return on investment for anyone to invest £1,000 let alone £10,000 and the applications we have in today’s systems create
ideal solutions. If resellers adopt the right approach and choose the right market they should not feel the affects of tougher market conditions.”
Adams concluded: “If the economic picture worsens for end users, opportunities will increase for resellers who correctly position themselves in the market.”