
Those Tough Mudders at Fluidata raise £8000 for Help for Heroes

Data communications company Fluidata has raised more than £8000 for Help for Heroes, by taking part in the ‘Tough Mudder’ challenge, billed on its website as ‘Ironman meets Burning Man’. Tough Mudder is a 12 mile obstacle course, designed by British Special Forces to “test all round strength, stamina, mental grit and camaraderie.”

Thirteen Fluidata employees – team name ‘Bandwidth Bandits’ – were among the 6000 people who took part in the challenge. The grounds of Broughton Manor in Kettering were transformed for the day into a gruelling course of mud pits, barbed wire tunnels, electric shock fields, four-foot flames, and high walls. The Bandwidth Bandits completed the course together, helping each other to the finish line.

Piers Daniell, Fluidata’s MD, said: “Our clients, friends and partners showed incredible generosity, and we owe them a huge thank you for sponsoring us. The thought of the money we were raising kept us all going.”

The next challenge? “We’re going to let the dust settle, and then look at what the next challenge might be,” says Daniell. “We’re definitely up for doing something similar next year. It’s a great team event and a way to do something really worthwhile for a worthwhile cause.”