Newark-based Timico Group, an independent provider of Unified Communication services to the business market, has been awarded a contract by 'Onlincolnshire', the Broadband Initiative of Lincolnshire County Council, for the trial of an ADSL high speed broadband service to select businesses in the county.
“In a rural area like Lincolnshire many businesses struggle to get an adequate internet connection,” says Trefor Davies, CTO Timico Group. “If the trial of our Sharedband service is successful, companies will be able to take advantage of the sort of functionality that used to be the preserve of big business. Business tools such as call routing, secure and efficient homeworking and online collaboration on documents can make a huge impact on business development.”
Mike Bonnar, Broadband Programme Manager at LCC, comments: “We are testing Sharedband to ascertain whether or not it can deliver the kind of broadband internet access speeds required for businesses to innovate using information and communication technology in a predominately rural environment such as that in Lincolnshire. The contract to test Sharedband technology and services across a range of areas and businesses was awarded to Timico following a competitive tendering exercise and we look forward to working in partnership with them over the coming year.”
Timico’s Sharedband service allows multiple broadband lines to be “bonded” together to give higher speed internet access. Bonding ADSLs typically enhances the speed of an internet connection pro rata to the number of lines connected (e.g. four bonded ADSL lines deliver four times the speed of just one).The service uses low cost ADSL routers to aggregate multiple broadband connections, which makes the solution considerably lower in cost than traditional multi-link bonding solutions.