“2011/12 has seen a number of changes within the business. We have introduced innovative online account management tools for our customers and we’ve made excellent progress towards the introduction of several new, major, products which will be launched in the next 12 months. We are forecasting that 2012/13 will be equally positive and expect turnover and profits to continue this strong growth.” said Chris Earle, CEO, Unicom.
“The introduction of a mobile phone product in 2010 has proven hugely successful. Before launching we asked our customers what they disliked about existing mobile suppliers. They told Unicom complaints were often caused by confusing tariff structures and long wait times while on hold. By addressing both of these issues we’ve had an excellent take up which has contributed to the fantastic financial results.”
“We are looking to apply our customer focused approach to other services outside of telecommunications and I’m excited by our roadmap for the next 12 months and beyond.” concluded Earle.