North East communications firm Executel has appointed a pre-sales specialist to help extend its expertise into the Unified Communications arena.
‘SmartRecord Go’ is the brand new premise-based call recording solution from CTI Group, the provider of ebilling and analytics, VoIP and call management applications
Truphone are feeling bullied by the major mobile operators again. This time the culprit is T-Mobile who are now refusing to interconnect with any Truphone numbers.
Daisy Communications, one of the UK’s largest independent service providers in the UK, has signed an exclusive deal with Unique Distribution
Within two months of launch, Vodafone Egypt has seen a massive take-up of its new 'Voice SMS' service, with 15% of its subscriber base making use, already improving ARPU by 1.5%.
Toshiba’s Business Communications Division (BCD) has announced the availability of the new Net Phone version 5.1, which enables advanced collaboration features to help improve the efficiency of...
Next week sees the launch of Vodafone's very own broadband offering. Partnering with BT, The Vodafone 'At Home' service will kick off on Monday from £25 per month.
Last week saw UK vendor SpliceCom hold their channel 'Event' at Bosworth Hall, Warwickshire. Hosted by SpliceCom's UK Sales Manager, Graham Harris, The Event 2006 was attended by well over 100...
Pitched at the consumer who leads a busy life and can't hang around waiting for music, video or emails to download, the Nokia 6120 Classic is an easy to use HSDPA handset that does things fast and...